Our Certifications

Large Healthcare Provider Case Study

DTI helped a large healthcare provider, known for its expertise in three major areas of government-sponsored healthcare, improve their document production with significant results.


  • Improving the member experience with easy-to-understand communications on Medicare coverage.
  • Meeting the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) deadline for Annual Notice of Change communications to 3.8 million members; there is a potential penalty of $25K per member for missing the September 30 deadline.
  • Reducing errors in the development of over 60 regionally specific documents designed in MS Word.


  • Grouped the documents for similar managed care plans together in templates, resulting in less work to create, review, and revise documents; the document creation/revision process can now be accomplished in a short timeframe.
  • Provided robust document creation software for Evidence of Coverage documents that enables the application of business rules to words and/or sections of text; this healthcare provider can now proof a single master document rather than 33 different versions.
  • Incorporated variable data related to specific care plan documents and personalized each plan without duplication.

Why DTI?

By automating the production of documents, DTI helped this healthcare provider reduce errors and meet CMS deadlines. DTI’s solution gave them the peace of mind of being able to produce documents in a compressed time frame, with agility needed to respond to delays. In addition, the healthcare provider was able to make its materials easier for members to understand and more consistent from region to region.

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